Patient & Visitors Guide

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The PRI Emergency Department (ER) is staffed by specialist physicians, nurses, and emergency personnel. The PRI ER is open 24 hours a day, ready to provide emergency services for all medical and surgical emergencies.

ER-Patient Assessment Care

  1. All patients who come to the ER for emergency medical examination or treatment will receive care according to Triage Level (CTAS) by qualified personnel on time consistent with the understanding of their illness.
  2. Evaluation and care will be rendered to all patients regardless of age, sex, race, national origin, criminal status, medical illness, or ability to pay for care. The inability to pay can be stabilized in the emergency department, then referred to a social worker or transfer of the patient to the nearest government facility.
  3. The ER Clerk will register patients presented to the ER. The ER staff will see them under the supervision of the Residents on duty or the attending physician accredited with PRI Medical Center. The ER Residents will be responsible for determining the appropriate treatment and disposition of the patient.
  4. The assessment will include, but is not limited to, the following:
    • The initial assessment of the patient’s physical, developmental, and psycho-social status.
    • The appropriate treatment setting.
    • The patient’s desire for treatment
    • The patient’s nutritional and functional status.
    • The appropriate workup and assessment of possible victims of abuse.
    • An appropriate discharge planning process to include the patient’s medical, developmental, psychological, and functional needs.
  5. All patients seen in the emergency room must be registered in the emergency department with a hospital number by the ER Clerk. The exception involves term pregnant patients who may be triaged directly to the Labor and Delivery area.
  6. Patients presented to the emergency department with hand injuries, head trauma, poisonings, and burns will be evaluated according to triage level (CTAS) by the emergency room staff nurse under the supervision of the Residents or the attending physician that is accredited by PRI Medical Center.

PRI Emergency Department Design

  1. The PRI-Medical Center, ER is designed to facilitate safe and effective care of patients, as per Triage Category (CTAS= Resuscitation T1, Emergent T2, Urgent T3, Less Urgent T4, Non-Urgent T5).
  2. The PRI-Medical Center, ER is on the same level as the emergency entrance.
  3. The PRI-Medical Center, ER ambulance, and pedestrian entrances are well-lighted, clearly identified by signs, and protected from bad weather. Ramps are provided for patients in wheelchairs or on stretchers.
  4. The PRI-Medical Center, ER ambulance, and pedestrian entrances are wide enough to accommodate patients, attendants, and equipment safely.
  5. Stretchers and wheelchairs are stored immediately adjacent to the ambulance entrance and do not obstruct this entry.
  6. A waiting area, lavatories, and telephones are provided for patients, families, and individuals accompanying them.
  7. Unauthorized individuals are prohibited from entering the ER treatment area. Public Safety will assist the ER staff in traffic control.
  8. The Critical Care area of the ER is the receiving area for all seriously ill or injured patients. This area also serves as the admitting area for all seriously ill or injured patients.
  9. The PRI-Medical Center ER design maintains/promotes patient privacy without compromising patient care.
  10. PRI-Medical Center, minor OR will serve as an emergency minor OR and trauma room.